Longing to create a tropical oasis in your own backyard? Check out these top 5 tropical plants to find your inspiration!
Are you dreaming of the perfect tropical vacation
If yes and you’re not able to go on one this year, it’s okay. You can just turn your backyard into a tropical oasis you can enjoy every day.
And don’t worry. Even though tropical gardens need more effort to maintain, it’s not impossible to create one.
The key to a thriving tropical-themed garden lies in choosing the right types of tropical plants. Here are 5 that can grow almost anywhere and are relatively easy to care for. Seek professional help from expert gardening and tree maintenance company Evansville
There are many reasons why cannas are one of the most popular tropical plants in home gardens. First, they grow fast even in standing water.
Second, they have water-repellent properties. That means fungus and pests won’t be a problem. You only need to watch out for grasshoppers and caterpillars as these may eat the leaves.
Third, they’re stunning. Even if you just grow them for their foliage, their exotic flair will elevate your tropical garden. But of course, canna flowers are fantastic as well, with large blooms in vibrant colors such as yellow, red, pink, and orange.
If you’re used to growing orchids indoors, there’s no reason you can’t also bring them outside. They’re adaptable plants, particularly the hardy ones.
Now, if you live somewhere cooler, make sure to cover your orchids with a blanket or towel or plastic sheeting to protect them from cold damage. If you can bring them indoors during the winter, better.
Birds of Paradise
Fun fact: Birds of paradise are closely related to bananas.
Another thing you’ll appreciate about them is they can grow to over six feet tall. Which is why if you’re looking for a statement plant that will be a focal point for your tropical paradise, they’re your best bet.
There are two popular varieties, which you can also grow indoors, the orange Strelitzia reginae and the white Strelitzia nicolai. Check out this white bird of paradise plant for sale if you’re looking for a good deal.
One thing you’ll love about Medinilla is it doesn’t need a lot of sun. In fact, you should put it on the shady side of your garden as too much sunlight can cause the leaves to wilt.
Another thing to remember about caring for Medinilla is to mist them daily. This will help keep away pests and diseases and maintain high humidity.
Though not for beginner gardeners, protea plants are worth considering for your tropical oasis. Not only are they unique-looking, but they’re also the best choice for that rocky, not-so-used parts of your garden.
To grow protea, the important thing to keep in mind is to always have well-drained soil. Water once or twice a week, expose to sunlight for about half a day and you’ll have blooms to enjoy from late winter through spring.
Bonus Tip for Growing Tropical Plants
Don’t let colder climates stop you from creating your dream tropical garden. Learn about overwintering tropical plants so you can keep growing them year after year.
Ready to Enjoy Your Tropical Oasis?
Now that you know some of the best tropical plants to grow for your backyard, don’t forget about your interiors, too.